
I am on a mission to inspire and support you to fulfill your biggest dreams!

I am Külli. Originally from Estonia, but have lived in Scotland for almost 20 years now.

I am self-leadership coach. In my coaching I combine my knowledge and tools from many different coaching, leadership and self-development courses, as well as my colourful life experiences.

I have always been a “people-person”. I love being around people, listening to their stories, having deep discussions throughout the night and dreaming up new plans together.

I also have been the one to ask questions, sometimes the obvious ones and sometimes the uncomfortable ones. So becoming a coach really was the most natural choice for me. It fills me with joy every day to see my clients gain clarity and confidence, and see them grow under my eyes.

My mission today is to inspire and support you to fulfill your biggest dreams through replacing outdated limiting beliefs with new encouraging ones. Through grounding you in your inner wisdom and trust in your own capabilities. Through equipping you with strategy create time for yourself and your dreams and to run your entire life with effortless elegance.

My background is in international relations, communication and diplomacy. I have worked for the European, Estonian and the British civil service, and also in private sector. Everything I learned working in multi-cultural environments about people’s communication and leadership styles, particularly in crisis situations, I bring to my coaching.

When not coaching, teaching/training, working on my courses or building my business, I do my best at parenting four most wonderful boys and two sweetest rescue dogs in the world.